Riding above the level of mediocrity

A "duffshot" is an improperly planted sapling, planted too shallow in scree and not deep enough to reach the life giving top soil. It is usually a sign of laziness and means having to replant an entire plot. It is a reminder to me of doing things with integrity.

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Location: Calgary, Canada
Kiva - loans that change lives

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I must be living one of the most ironic lives. Take for example this morning. I'm riding my bike to work and get to the point on my route where I need to ride over a gravel road to get to the joining pathway. The tires on my bike are "slicks", manufactured with no grooves for traction. I turned too sharply and, before I knew it, I was tumbling to the ground, unable to unclip out of my pedals fast enough to brace myself against the fall. Having fallen enough times this year, the shock or embarrassment no longer bothers me. I did see, however, that my chain had fallen off the rear cog. Thinking that it would be easier to replace the chain with the bike upside down on its handlebars, I proceeded to flip the bike over. In doing so, I pulled something in my back. So, not even a scratch from falling off my bike, but I now have a screwed up back from trying to fix the bike!

Kind of like the time I went and did the CN Tower climb with some friends. Excited about my results, I decided to jog back to my (then) place at Harbour Square. I turned the corner too fast on a patch of mud and was sent sprawling to the ground. It wasn't until I got home and washed off the mud did I see the huge chunk of skin that was missing from leg. Again, not another battle scar worth bragging about.

Or that year in high school, after an injury free season of full contact football, I get put in the hospital after taking a badminton shuttlecock in the eye (during intramurals, of all times).


Blogger AChiu said...

Alas, I too have had strange luck moments. Like the time I was removing a page received from a fax machine at work, lost my grip, only to have the edge of the paper fly into my face and papercut my eyeball. I AM NOT LYING! It really happened! It happened so fast that my blinking reflexes didn't even activate to protect my eyes! It was very painful. ...sigh...stranger things DO happen!


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