Saturday night service was fine. It was not a coincidence that Rexdale is about to embark on a Missions focus. As I sat down in my usual seat, I noticed an array of colourful flags that lined the wall behind the stage. Flags for Turkey, Kazakhstan and a few other Middle Eastern, Eastern European countries. It was a quick glance and I quickly became disappointed because I was half hoping to see a flag of China. But as I settled down and looked straight ahead, there, hung as the last flag in this colourful line was a bright red flag with four distinct golden star on its upper left hand corner. A humble sign hung above this flag: CHINA! I sat transfixed on this for many moments into the worship service. It was right in front of my eyes all along, and yet I missed it. Interestingly enough, the service went on to talk about the church's focus on the Silk Road. These are the countries that lead from Turkey to Northern China. I assume that it is similar to the "10-40" window that was the buzz word of the 90's. Dinner afterwards was, ironically, with 3 other people that attended short-term mission trips to China on 3 separate occasions. They spoke of primitive plumbing, the dangers of eating uncooked food, and "stalking" incidents, but almost as if it were a novelty. It is a different world there, but not one that I fear. I can say, however, that if there was a time where I felt a passion for this nation, it was tonight.
Riding above the level of mediocrity
A "duffshot" is an improperly planted sapling, planted too shallow in scree and not deep enough to reach the life giving top soil. It is usually a sign of laziness and means having to replant an entire plot. It is a reminder to me of doing things with integrity.

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