Riding above the level of mediocrity

A "duffshot" is an improperly planted sapling, planted too shallow in scree and not deep enough to reach the life giving top soil. It is usually a sign of laziness and means having to replant an entire plot. It is a reminder to me of doing things with integrity.

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Location: Calgary, Canada
Kiva - loans that change lives

Sunday, November 14, 2004


This command is so counter-evolutionary. By nature (or by the fact that you’ve made it to read this entry), we are instinctually self-preserving. I’m not even referring to the inherent selfish behaviour that I see exhibited by even the most noblest of people, but the desire that most people have to want to propagate their lineage. I’m talking about single human beings getting together so as to get to know each other so as to mate so as to have more single humans, and so as starting this cycle all over again. Whether one likes it or not, they are part of this natural circle of life. So, to deliberately pull oneself out of the cycle would be to intentionally end longevity, perhaps a form of suicide. The natural instincts that we bear actually make it pretty hard to commit suicide (too much CSI). I guess there are some built-in fear fail safes (fear of heights, fear of loud noises, fear of pain) that kick in when we try.
[Min vs. GB on TV]
I was thinking that if I can focus on the part of desire that allows me to serve my fellow mankind to the point of denying the other part of desire that wants to propagate lineage, am I not in fact committing a form of suicide? Well, at the very least denying myself companionship (because one cannot assume that just because two single humans get together that the end result is propagation). Is companionship important? Look around. Either way, it is a self denial of sorts, even if it’s not as extreme as denial of life itself.
[also, Sask vs. BC on TV]
Anyways, this is just a passing thought, not a huge revelation. What is a revelation (if my revelations could ever approach the definition of divinely-inspired; more of a really strong instinctual feeling), however, is that God will not open any doors for service UNTIL things in my current crisis are resolved. I was walking to my condo yesterday, just to pick up the mail, and a thought dawned on me. If I was overseas right now, working in a developing country, it would not bode me to well to have people know that I owned harbourfront property ‘back home’. Or have a Japanese luxury car. Or have some of the other comforts of life that our North American materialistic, ever consuming society has established as the norm. In that situation, my default setting would still be higher (at least from a materialistic point of view) than those that I am trying to serve. I think that it would be a more powerful and efffective witness (and less of a stumbling block) that my default situation is the same or less than those that I serve. Makes sense, doesn’t it?


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