Riding above the level of mediocrity

A "duffshot" is an improperly planted sapling, planted too shallow in scree and not deep enough to reach the life giving top soil. It is usually a sign of laziness and means having to replant an entire plot. It is a reminder to me of doing things with integrity.

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Location: Calgary, Canada
Kiva - loans that change lives

Saturday, May 13, 2006


The lingering aroma of sweat. The fact that 40% of homeless people have an addiction (but no mention of what percentage of volunteers have addictions that are somewhat better hidden). The tour of emergency housing, "step-up" housing and finally, the low income rental units. The "store" where guests are afforded one new outfit after every dinner (and where 1 Calgary Flames jersey and what appeared to be a new pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans were waiting to be sorted). The Sikh group from the local temple that prepares an ethnic lunch every Saturday (and lucky for me, today is Saturday). The conversation with "Mike" about how he used to work for a dairy farm and how impressive it was that he knew so much about the Great Lakes and rock maple. The misconception that there is an "us vs. them", when truly, most of "us" are 1 or 2 paychecks away from "them". The revelation that true compassion is being able to love when there is no reason to love, to understand not from an intellectual level but through shared experiences. And Don's sharing with us his journey through abuse, countless group homes, equal time spent in and out of jail, Yonge Street Mission, stealing cars, and his current journey with the Seed.

Today was the volunteer orientation at The Mustard Seed.

From last week's visit:

Just moments before this picture was taken, Ella has a "run in" with Nina. See, Nina has gotten use to little kids. Or, should I say, she's gotten use to finding food remnants on the faces of little kids. So, upon introducing Ella to Nina, Nina gives Ella a big slurp on the face, sending Ella on her butt. Ella cried for a bit and was more cautious after that!

Ah! The life of a yellow retriever!! This was the day that this retriever's owners tricked her into swimming across a large creek and doing multiple hill repeats!


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