Riding above the level of mediocrity

A "duffshot" is an improperly planted sapling, planted too shallow in scree and not deep enough to reach the life giving top soil. It is usually a sign of laziness and means having to replant an entire plot. It is a reminder to me of doing things with integrity.

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Location: Calgary, Canada
Kiva - loans that change lives

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


This is pretty cool. I'm sitting in the Crown Plaza Chateau Lacombe hotel in downtown Edmonton. I'm here for a 2 day leader's orientation with my company. The hotel is completely wi-fi. Did some exploring before it got too late and found this really cool set of wooden stairs that snakes behind the hotel. It'll be my workout tomorrow morning!

Last night I attended a triathlon clinic for newbies. I had just come from the gym and was running a little behind time, so I didn't have a chance to grab dinner. Man, how embarrassing it would be to pass out from hunger in public, but I took my chances. When I walk in, guess what I see? A dude from Powerbar who had set up a table with give aways. And in the goods bag that we all received? A bottle of water. Max w00t! (as you can tell, it doesn't take much to get me excited!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey timmy
sorry we missed you - we would have loved to have visited with you.
Calgary is about 3 hours away by car.

Next time



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