Happy lute music gently fades in...
The tiny pine needles were coated with a frosting of white dust, remnants of the recent early snowfall. A boisterous magpie whistled out an unfamiliar, yet inspiring tune. Nearby, a little creek was still flowing, alive, refusing to become sluggish even as its water thickened.
The Guide was sweeping the front porch, clearing the last stubborn leaves that had decided to squat there. He barely noticed the horse drawn wagon that approached. The driver gently tugged the horses to a stop and from the canvas covered compartment emerged two familiar faces: Ingram, the Elementalist, and Borghini, the Necromancer. The Guide smiled and put down the straw broom. Little ones were running gleefully throughout the hamlet.
The travelers were weary, navigating through some of the most treacherous and unmapped parts of the land. If it were not for the clever use of their skills, plus an unlikely visit from renowned court jester Sandler, who knows what fate may have befallen these comrades? The Guide lit the fire and set out the simple burlap blankets atop the straw beds. One of the little lambs stirred and lifted its head up to see what the commotion was all about.
The morning sun shone through the straw roof. The town was already awake, getting about doing busy things. Chickens had to be fed and fires needed stoking for whatever concoctions brewed. The Guide filled the iron kettle with water and set it atop the fire that, too, had just been aroused from slumber. After filling each tummy with some tatoes and eggs, the three set off on their first quest. This mission was not as simple as first envisioned. It seemed like the entire shire was here and there, rushing to and fro with their wares and buys. The dirt road seemed too narrow. A quick stop at the MECana proved fruitful as the three friends picked up experience points, as well as treasures for some fair maidens who were awaiting the return of the two travelers. While exchanging gold for these wares, Ingram was inquired by the shopkeeper about his famed toppling of pillars from a previous quest. Ingram also acquired a little Fire-That-Never-Dies, to add to his inventory of skills.
The rumbling noise was neither the fleeting footsteps of a dragon nor one of the common rockslides near the hamlet. Instead, it was the collective groan of hunger shared by the three friends. They were honored to meet the town's Fashionista, Genivere, for a quick meal. Alas, the keepers of the town's famed fresh fish market were away, again, brewing sake. Likewise, those that looked after the town manna shop were away. The only place to eat was at Mercato, a busy little cavern at the end of the dirt path. The three friends decided to play a caper; they were to assume the identities of some pirates from a distant, southern land. When asked for their names, the three friends replied: Jorge (correctly pronounced "Hore-hey"), Chico, and Carlos. Alas, the trick did not work, for, when it was time to call the next available seating, the hostess loudly proclaimed "George and friends". Genivere, like most Fashionistas, was fashionably late. But just a little.
The next quest was more challenging. Borghini, the Necromancer, had to search out that terrible monster, Highretailpricius, and slay it as swiftly as possible to capture the gold. There were quiet rumours throughout the hamlet that this monster devoured its last warrior at the eleventh pathway west of the centre divide below the river, deep in the forest, at an abandoned cave with the sign Saneal hung at its entrance. The three friends were warned that the monster is a Shapeshifter, even taking on the form of an empathetic humanoid. Borghini was reassured by his two friends that there was no pride forsaken should he decide to abandon this quest; but Borghini was determined. So, ever so cautiously, the three friends entered into the monster's lair. They were immediately accosted by a well groomed, well attired Scholar. He was very knowledgeable but the three friends were not deceived, hands resting on the hilts of their swords, ready to be drawn. This monster was very cunning, and one does not slay this aberration like one would slay a dragon. It is more like a dance, always trying to lull the other into a trance before the strike. The three friends proved to be too strong and Highretailpricius was slain. The humanoid form that it had possessed regained his body and was grateful to the three friends for his salvation. Borghini was triumphant and collected his gold. The legend of this victory will be told over and over again by the little ones back in Borghini's shire.
Slaying a monster is no easy task and the three friends' stomachs were groaning once again. The hamlet of Calinthgory is well famed for its cattle boar. Tales of this delicious meat has reached even the uncharted edges of the world. Famished, the three friends faced one more challenge, one that has reared its ugly head all day, called the Queue. The Queue is more of a disease than a monster because it takes no bodily form. Yet, it causes even the most noble of warriors to be depleted of time, time that is more valuable than gold pieces. Good fortune shone on these three friends as the Toymaker, Futorpippinshoop, was still open in the next stall, allowing the three friends to escape the spell of Boredom that the Queue often casts. After gandering at his new creations for seventy-seven long breaths, the three friends were summoned back to the Smuggler's Inn for their cattle boar feast. And what a feast it was, as sprays of meat juice burst with every bite, each devouring his fill and washing it back with fresh ale! The moon, in its ever so round glory, illuminated the dirt path as the three friends made their way back, reminiscing on their past quests and dreaming of future missions, while their bellies were very content. A little owl hooted a cheer as they strolled by.
The following morning, the three friends set off early to see the Monk. The Monk always had enlightening things to say and this fine day was no different. He spoke of relevance and the economies of a higher perspective. The three friends broke bread together, quite a fitting act of communion for brothers who have journeyed so much together. They returned to town, to the Central Grand, an outpost on the eastern outskirts of the Asiana Villa. Once again, they had to outthrawt the Queue and finally gained the experience points and sustenance needed for the rest of the day. A quick stop to Costcodo's ridiculous farm-shed of wares and the three were off to see Princess Ellaeena. The Princess was celebrating her passage into a new lifestage, a period of deeper wisdom, this being the second time that she will witness the poplars releasing their special cotton leaves. The brave knights guarding the lowered bridge to the Princess allowed them passage. For this occasion, the Princess had invited all of the lady bugs in the hamlet to celebrate as well. The Princess, with great enthusiasm, introduced the three friends to all of the other guests, and being completely enthralled that she had mastered the fine art of 2 word sentences, proceeded to introduce the three friends to all of her possessions. "Ellaeena's chair", "Ellaeena's shoes", "Ellaeena's toys". It was quite the joyous celebration, until the three friends were to depart. The Princess, an adventurer at heart, quickly donned her travel robe and insisted on joining on the next quest. Quite the little spirit!
And so, as the Guide bid fare travels to his brothers, a mysterious fog rolled into the hamlet of Calinthgory, a fitting backdrop for the sentimental conclusion of yet another adventure for these three friends. It would be a long trip for the travelers, but they were carrying a satchel of fond memories from this recent quest. The Guide added another log to the fire, staring past its cheery dancing form, gently stroking the head of the little lamb that had joined him for his company.
The happy lute music gently fades out...